
Recent news
After having participated in more than 10 solar PV projects in Australia, Geointec has opened a new subsidiary in SIDNEY in order to offer our services related to ground engineering
Thank you very much to all the visitors of our Booth in GENERA 22, it has been a great opportunity to share with all of you
We are a young and a dynamic team and we are looking for people like you.SYDNEY | MADRID | LYON | SANTIAGO DE CHILE. JOIN US!
The drainage network of a solar park is necessary to avoid flooding or erosion problems that may occur during the service life of the park.
La conférence a été adressée aux étudiants du Master en Structures de Fondation et Confinement, ETS Génie Civil.
Au World Trade Center de México, du 20 mai au 22 mai, la neuvième édition du Congrès sur les énergies renouvelables, Mirec Week 2019, sera célébrée. À la mi-mai, se tiendra la neuvième édition de l’un des congrès les plus importants et les plus importants sur les énergies renouvelables à Mexico. Nous nous référons à...
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